For 110 second graders from Jefferson-Scranton, East Greene and Paton-Churdan, deciding what their favorite part of Beta Tau Delta’s recent Day at the Blank Park Zoo was downright difficult. Some said the train ride around the zoo grounds, some said feeding the giraffes and some said petting the snake as part of the live animal session they had with zoo animal handlers.
As part of its mission to be children’s champions, the sorority provided chaperones and paid for bus transportation, a live animal program for each class, feeding giraffes, lunch for the 110 students and their teachers at the zoo’s Safari Grill, a zoo train ride, a bag of zoo souvenirs and a souvenir photo.
Trip organizer and sorority member Carole Custer said, “The annual trip sponsorship is a way our community, through donations to Beta Tau Delta fundraisers, can step up when school budgets can no longer afford such field trips.” Beta Tau Delta members who accompanied the students and helped tour the zoo were Joan Lang, Sue Lucht, Pat Rusnak, Lyn Koppen, Donna Smith and Custer.
Second grade teacher Paula Griffin, school organizer for the day, says that the trip offers many students their first opportunity to experience the zoo and “even those who have been to a zoo before are excited to see new and baby animals.” The students’ school curriculum includes zoo animals and many of the children had specific animals they wanted to see during their visit. Greene County second grade teachers in addition to Griffin are Lisa Wilkins, Whitney Zimmerman, Karen Shannon, Cathy Dobney and Lori Berns from Paton-Churdan.

Beta Tau Delta raises funds for projects to benefit children and its annual VIRTUAL charity ball fundraiser will start in late November for the holiday season.